Getting ready for the official launch of the new site and printing the proofs of the special print offer that will accompany the announcement. You’ll recognize it as the first cover photo for the new site and the first release from a new project I am working on. Tentatively titled, “State of Bliss”, the project will encompass Bliss Township and surrounding northern Emmet County, MI where we are building the Photostock Workshop. The normal price for these small, open edition prints is $125, but through December 2nd, this print will be available for only $75. After that, it will still be available, but will revert to the other price. Although the sale will be announced soon through my newsletter, those of you so inclined can get a jump on ordering right now by heading over to The Store and look for the print offer there. Thanks for your consideration!
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Welcome to the new site! If reading this close to the date of this post’s publication, you are one of the first to see this new version, so I hope you will bear with any glitches as we continue to tweak the place before the official launch. I’ve lost track of the version number on this one… Maybe 6.0? In any event, it’s been a long time coming. I’ve had a web presence since 1994 – going on 20 years now, back when a search would show less than 100 photographers online… crazy. A lot of things with my web presence were getting pretty archaic and it had been a long time since I had added anything to the site. It is time for me to get back in the program with a fully integrated approach. In addition to the galleries and this new blog, it’s exciting to have integrated a gallery store where I’ll be consistently offering a selection of prints and books as well as the special offers I’ve been putting out there for over 10 years now. Now there will be a place where collectors can order the latest offerings whenever they feel the urge, not only when I send […]
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Looking at the last post made back in January of this year, it is hard to believe all that has happened in the time since. At that time I was still dreaming of a workshop facility on my Northern Michigan property and exploring ways to get it funded. Then came the Kickstarter campaign and the rest is history. Little did I know that less than six months later, I and about 75 friends and supporters would be celebrating on its porch! June 22, 2013 was the official dedication party and we made it just in time. The exterior of the building has now been completed according to the original plan and we have gone well beyond that with the interior well on its way to completion. What is more, we have already held 2 successful, sold-out workshops with even more planned for the next year! I have to say that it has changed life as we knew it around here. It has been a full time job since reaching our funding goal in less than 2 weeks. I’ll spare you all the details, but between builders, inspectors and sweat equity, it has been quite a ride. In fact, it continues and […]
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It’s been a dream for a long time now. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve sat on my porch up in the north woods visualizing a future with an actual building from which to run business and workshops. A Northern Michigan retreat for photographers to learn and practice a variety of processes. Photostock, back in 2006, was the first step, but the annual gathering started to draw more than I could handle on the property without some facility to take care of weather contingencies at the very least and a fully equipped workspace at the most. Not only could it be a place to offer workshops and events surrounding Photostock, it can become a year-round facility where specialists in our field are invited to come and teach. While the site on my property has been staked out for several years now, I finally met with a chosen builder this week to have a look and give me a quote. What I am going for is a modest, 24×40 building with a 10 foot ceiling done in the post-frame style. The building will be broken into 4 separate spaces all fully equipped. A wet darkroom with 4 enlarger bays. […]
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Just got done with the plate and proof for the one and only Renée Jacobs. She has a new book editd by Jock Sturges and this is being made as a limited edition companion to a deluxe version. Very happy with the results and hope it does well for her!
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